CBD Novel Food : Update 2
On February 15th, the Novel Food applications of our Broad Extract 85% + and our CBD Isolate Powder 99% were declared valid by the European authorities.
This step allows the commission to formally request the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to assess the relevance of the data submitted. This is the last step before the EFSA opinion on the safety of our ingredients, a notice due by November 2022.
A strategic asset for our customers
In Europe, despite the numerous CBD food products already on the market, CBD and Broad Spectrums extracts are considered as Novel Food and therefore subject to prior authorization by EFSA. However, to date, unlike Spectrums applications, a large number of the dossiers submitted to EFSA are not yet under evaluation. This new advance in the progress of our applications puts us in a privileged position to support our customers in the development of products in compliance with the regulations